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Sundays 10:15am

Episcopal Worship

Quiet, please...Conversation in church before the service should respect others' need for a few moments of

recollection before worship begins.

The Episcopal Church Welcomes Everyone

Everyone present in worship is fully a part of our expression of faith and thanksgiving.

The bulletin guides participation.

To worship, we use the Bible,

Book of Common Prayer,  and a Hymnal.

​Newcomers, do not hesitate to seek guidance during the the worship service from a nearby member of the congregation.


Our Holy Communion service consists two parts. 

I.  The Liturgy of the Word (prayers , responses, and Scripture). 

II.  The Lord's Supper (known to Episcopalians as the Eucharist (Greek for Thanksgiving). 


Worship Responses


​+Traditionally, Episcopalians stand to sing, sit to listen, kneel or stand to pray.  if you are unsure of how to respond in worship, follow the priest's example.


+We respectfully bow their heads as the processional cross passes by and at the mention of Jesus' name, (Romans 14.11). 


+Some members cross themselves, raise their hands in prayer as expressions of personal piety -- If you want to use gestures, take your cue from the priest.


The Word of God

We believe the Bible contains all
things necessary for salvation. Our service is rooted in the scriptures and finds expression in weekly readings from the Hebrew Bible (including the Psalms) and the New Testament.


We call our service Liturgy, an ancient Greek term meaning service -- worship is not only our delight but  also our service to God.  Liturgy refers to the practices and texts that order the church's worship


Liturgy is an outward and visible sign of God's inward and spiritual grace.  The service is a celebration of God's presence in our lives.


By the Spirit through liturgy, the church shows forth the love of God and the unity we share in Christ.


This loving unity is shared by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and all who seek God in Christ.


Holy Communion
The Lord's Supper

At the Last Supper Jesus shared the bread and cup of wine at a sacred meal with his disciples.


He identified the bread with his body and the wine with his blood of the new covenant--identifying hislife and ministry as nourishment to our souls and bodies. Jesus invited his disciples to take communion in remembrance of him as having totally identified with us as a human being even unto death.  (see 1 Cor 11:23-26; Mk 14:22-25; Mt 26:26-29; Lk 22:14-20).


In Holy Communion we take, bless, break bread, and share.  Ours is a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving in which the real presence of Christ's body and blood is received by faith with thanksgiving. 




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