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the Rt. Rev. Russell Kendrick


Episcopal Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast


The Rt. Rev. Steven Miller




Alex Alexander, Senior Warden

Mark Herrington, Junior Warden

Veronica Durling

Betty Spickerman

Barbara Goins 




Mary Wejroch, Parish Administrator 

Jan Kenney, Associate Parish Administrator

Melinda Henderson, Ph.D., ARNP,, FAAN  Parish Nurse

Gail Brown Stephen Hilliard, Treasurers

Mary Wejroch, Clerk



 A Letter From:

The Rt. Rev. Steven Miller, Priest-in-Charge

November 13, 2022



Dear Friends in Christ,
In my report to you last year I said that while we could not be certain what our common life would look like on the
other side of the COVID -19 pandemic, “we can be certain of his God’s faithfulness and grace as we go forward.”
That grace and faithfulness has been evident this past year as we have continued to move forward in mission and
We continue to add new members through Confirmation, Reception and Letter of Transfer. I anticipate presenting
at least 4 people for Confirmation and Reception when the Bishop makes his visitation and that we will have at
least one baptism in the next year as well.
We have also said good bye to some beloved members of our parish community; Bill Bacon, Rudy Sangl, and Jerry
I want to take a moment to thank God in front of all of you for the ministry of our musician, Lona Robison. I have
worshipped in a lot of churches and worked with a number of musicians and I would just like to say that of all the
musicians I have worked with Lona is one of the best. I want you to know how blessed you are by her ministry.
I also want to thank Kay Denyes, Sr. Warden, Andrea Harrington, Jr. Warden, and Melinda Henderson who
complete their vestry terms this year. Thank you for your service to this congregation. I also want to thank, our
Treasurer, Gail Brown for all that she does for us. Thank you also to Harley Henderson, who with our treasurer and
Dwight Babcock, Diocesan Administrator serves as a trustee of our endowment. We are also blessed by the
ministry of Mary Wejroch as clerk of the vestry and parish administrator and Jan Kenney as register.
Under the leadership of Andrea Harrington, we began a new ministry this year, “Presence in the Park”, modelled in
part on Collars on the Corner a ministry of my former diocese. It was Andrea’s vision, she has gotten it started and
I know that she would welcome more of you to participate in this ministry.
We do good work here for the service of God and the building up of the body of Christ in this place through our
Rice and Beans ministry, coffee hours, Lenten fellowship suppers, and sharing our building with others such as AA,
the DeFuniak Springs Women’s Club, and the Cub Scouts.
I believe that God is in the process of making us a bigger church. I also believe that if we are to be faithful to that
we need to act like a bigger Church. We need to be more intentional and inclusive in planning, organizing, and
evaluating our activities and programs. One of the challenges in small congregations is that sometimes people are
asked to take on a ministry and it becomes their ministry, not a shared ministry. It also means we need to be more
intentional in our communications. I would remind you that Jesus called 12 disciples and sent them out two by
two. Our one God is in three persons. While it may be easier to just do something yourself that does not build
community or build up the Body of Christ. And building up the Body in number and holiness is what we are about
here. As we move forward in the coming year, I ask the vestry and all of you to work with me to be a more inviting
and inclusive church not just in worship but in everything we do.
Cindy and I continue to enjoy being a part of the growing community which is St. Agatha’s. It is a blessing to serve
among you.
The Rt. Rev. Steven Andrew Miller


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